The Kid Zone!
Seven Magic Mountains Las Vegas

Just a few miles south of Las Vegas on Highway 15 is an amazingly unexpected sight. Just alongside the road to the east is an art installation featuring 7 painted boulder totems that stand up to 35 ft. high. Created by Ugo Rondinone, the brightly colored totems stand in stark contrast to the natural desert colors. The beautiful browns tans and reds of the desert are broken by seven massive stones painted in bright neon colors.

The Seven Magic Mountains are great as a family outing when visiting Las Vegas, or just as a little something to do that's out of the ordinary and fun. There's not much to do down this way other than to see the art exhibit and take a few selfies out in the desert, but it's interesting nonetheless. The exhibit is open to the public and nearby parking is available. After you park, it's an easy walk out to the exhibit. We recommend wearing sunscreen and maybe a hat, as there is little to no shade anywhere nearby the totems.

You can find the exhibit about 20 miles south of Las Vegas Strip casinos. Just head straight south on Las Vegas Blvd until you come to the exhibit. Be aware that there are no services near the site. The closest restrooms and gas will be at Las Vegas Blvd and St. Rose, a few miles north of the site.

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